Saturday, December 31, 2011

겨울노래 (Winter Song)


<이해인 수녀>

끝없는 생각은
산기슭에 설목으로 서고
슬픔은 바다로 치달려
섬으로 엎드린다
고해소에 앉아
나의 참회를 기다리는
은총의 겨울
더운 눈물은 소리없이
눈밭에 떨어지고
미완성의 노래로 개켜들고
훌훌히 떠난 자들의 마을을 향해
나도 멀리 갈길을 예비한다
밤마다 깃발드는
예언자의 목쉰소리
나를 기다리며
다듬이질하는 겨울

Winter Song

<Sister Lee, Hae-In>

Endless thoughts have become
a snow tree standing on the foothill.
Sorrow runs to the sea
to prostrate as an island.
Sitting in the penitentiary
waiting for my turn to repent
is the winter of grace.
Warm tears are silently falling
on the snowy field
and I too prepare to leave for a long journey
as those who have shaken off and left for a village
slinging unfinished songs up on their shoulders.
Oh the sound of coarse voice
of the prophet that
raises a flag every night.
Again today
winter is pounding
waiting for me.

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