Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Voyage of Magellan - The Atlantic 2

On December 13, 1519, nearly three months after they departed San Lucar, the Moluccan Fleet entered the habor of Rio de Janeiro, well below the protrude part of the South American continent. Had it not been for Magellan's prudent deep southerly course-taking from Canary Islands, passing Cape Verde straight south along the coast of Africa, the fleet's landfall might have been at the northern part of the protrusion. Then they would have been stuck in there for months as fighting the westerly current and headwinds would have been difficult. As they approached Rio, a spectacular view of the harbor appeared from the morning mist. A smell of tropical flowers and fruits permeated the balmy air of the harbor. Entering the beautiful harbor, they dropped anchor in Botafogo Inlet. A swarm of naked natives in canoes paddled eagerly out to greet them.

Modern day Rio de Janairo

They swarmed on deck, offering parrots, chickens, fish ad garden produce in exchange for fishhooks, knives, combs, small mirrors, or scissors. For a pair of scissors, they offered enough fish to feed ten people. For a knife or a fishhook, five or six chickens. But the crew was most electrified with naked and exceedingly friendly women. Young women swarmed aboard to offer themselves to the sailors hoping to receive presents. The crew quickly succumbed to lust, and the revels with the women degenerated into an unabated orgy. At first Magellan overlooked the lusty liaisons between his crew and the native girls, but when things got out of control, he felt disciplinary actions were in order. Magellan ordered his crew to clear their love nests ashore and the ships of native girls, and restored discipline to the fleet. The ships departed the harbor on December 26. Carrying a fair wind from the north, the fleet headed west-southwest under full sail.

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